Mobilize Mail > Email Marketing

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Email Marketing Review Is Important

Email Marketing (eDM) campaign measurement is often overlooked. And there is a perfectly valid reason for this, often so much time, and energy has gone into creating the content and presentation of the eDM there is resounding relief when the ‘deliver my message’ button is finally pushed. Often we hear our clients say….  “Yay! that’s…


Why Landing Pages Are Key To Email Marketing Success

Landing pages are the webpages your email recipients land on when they click links in your eDMs (email marketing messages). These pages are key to your business email marketing success.  What pages are your eDM recipients landing on?  And what action are they taking next? When you use landing pages properly you’ll be armed with…


Browsers – What You Need To Know When Email Marketing

Internet browsers will present your eDM’s (email marketing messages) differently.  Do you know how your messages present in the commonly used browsers e.g. Firefox, IE, Chrome etc? When Mobilize Mail tests eDMs for clients as part of our premium service (business eDM campaign management) we are some times surprised at just how much browsers play…


Today your New Zealandl business needs an active digital presence in the popular social media channels. For New Zealand businesses Facebook, Twitter, and if your business is B2B then you’ll need to be on LinkedIn and of course Google Plus.  That’s four business profiles. Your business also needs be found by Google Search engines and…


The Future of Email for New Zealand Businesses

It will come as no surprise to New Zealand Businesses to hear that our digital marketing landscape is a rapidly changing playing field. Messaging to smartphones in particular has boomed and with the rise of the social mediums, like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube there are billions and billions of digital events per day.


Over the last couple of years many of our clients have secured our social medial marketing solutions for business and seen the positive results in their email marketing lists too. A blog is now a vital communication asset for your business and it also works twofold through providing ample material for a GiveAway campaign that grows your email marketing list.


Email Marketing – Trending Topics

What’s trending right now? Mid Winter, London Olympics, Rugby Finals, Batman Movie. There is always a buzz about something in the social media and the social media chatter can sometimes preempt mainstream media. While some themes and trends are best to keep away from, other positive trends can be a boost to your email marketing campaigns.


The Future of Email Marketing

The world of Email Marketing NZ is changing and your email marketing audience is changing too. Smartphones are all the buzz and the numbers of people assessing their email on smartphones and other Web enabled devices is growing day by day.


There is no doubt that email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool that keep you in touch with your subscribers and keep them up to date with what your business is doing and what you have on offer and this cements your relationship with them. The difficulty with newsletters and all marketing emails is getting it opened by the recipient, their inbox will be full of emails and you want your email to appear interesting and worthy of a “open click”.


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