Browsers – What You Need To Know When Email Marketing
Internet browsers will present your eDM’s (email marketing messages) differently. Do you know how your messages present in the commonly used browsers e.g. Firefox, IE, Chrome etc?
When Mobilize Mail tests eDMs for clients as part of our premium service (business eDM campaign management) we are some times surprised at just how much browsers play an important role in the rendering of email HTML.
The email application and the browser needs careful consideration. Viewing your eDM from your yahoo email app on a Firefox browser may differ from viewing it in IE.
We are in the business of ensuring our premium service clients’ eDMs view well in all the commonly used email applications and broswers – but we use a dedicated software tool to achieve testing perfection. If you are getting a new template or eDM designed for your business ensure a through testing phase is completed before you use it for your business. If you are a client of Mobilize Mail – we will test your eDM or template thoroughly for you.
Over the past couple of years Chrome has become a strong player in the browser market with StatCounter (a free web counter) reporting last year that Google Chrome has outpaced Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
The increasing use of gmail as an email application has got a lot to do with Chrome’s steady rise to the top of browsers.
While this information may seem somewhat irrelevant – it is not when it comes to the presentation of your eDMs as it is important to ensure they present well in Chrome and gmail.
Essentially all eDMs where the template has been changed, images and tables etc added should be thoroughly tested before put to use by your business. Businesses are judged on the presentation of their messages so testing is a fundamental part of managing your email marketing campaign.
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