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Mastering Customer Engagement via Social Media

Retaining customers, building customer loyalty and keeping them satisfied are some of the biggest challenges for businesses today.

Social Media can help manage these challenges.

Businesses can put systems in place to gauge their customers’ level of engagement on social media and thus understand their behavior and analyze how to involve them further.


The Future of Advertising Is Entertainment

What is the future of Advertising? The use of smartphones, Ad blockers and social media is threatening mainstream websites dependent on ad revenue.

Most visitors also feel indignant when Ads just pop up without encouragement and eventually elect to frequent websites that offer less intrusion.


Multitasking With Your SmartPhone

Eating and watching TV is multitasking made easy but eating and watching a video on your iPhone not so…..until now.

The Chinese have come up with a way to slurp noodles and watch your smartphone at the same time with a iPhone noodle bowl.


Technologies – What’s Coming In 2015

Self regulating hearts, Driverless Cars are two of the top 10 new technologies predicted to be released in 2015. In the smartphone market there the transparent phone, holographic phone and the Project Ara modular phone.


WhatsApp Bucking The Trend

WhatsApp’s Birthday is 5 years old this month. Why is it so popular and successful? Is it due to it’s no Adverts, no games, no gimmicks focus?


Google’s New Service – Helpouts

Google has a new service called Helpouts. It’s not entirely new – as it’s a service that has evolved through trial and error over the years. The latest version looks like it’s here to stay.

So what is Google Helpouts and what are the pros and cons of this service?


SnapChat is 3 Years Old

SnapChat is is a photo messaging application used to share photos, videos add text and drawings. It is very popular with young people – so your children under 18 years, and young adults between 18 – 35 years will more than likely be using it.


Apple Super Sizes Phone

The release of anything Apple instantly grabs the attention of the tech world and apple lovers. So the release of their iPhone 6 overnight was no exception. The standard phone is larger than the iPhone 5s and you can super size that with the iPhone 6 Plus.


Amazon’s 20th Birthday

Amazon was founded twenty years ago. Today it is the world’s largest online retailer. Foundered by Jeff Bezo it was built in a garage with his first employee. Jeff still runs the company today and now Amazon has 117,000 employees and has a market capitalisation of USD $151 Billion.


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