Did you know your business can achieve better results from email marketing with our knowledge and service?
Email Marketing Campaign Management
Our eDM campaign management service is customised to your requirements and usually commences with a pre email marketing campaign consultation (usually a face to face meeting and may include 3rd parties).
Each campaign includes developing the eDM campaign elements (including landing pages, templates, HTML email messages) eDM testing, delivery and post-campaign review reporting (including graphical statistics and recommendations).
New Zealand businesses need their email marketing campaigns to provide opportunities and sales. Mobilize Mail is renown for creating eDMs that get a better response!
Include us when you are planning your next marketing campaign.
Email marketing is evolving.
The email campaigns that get the best results are thoughtfully planned. The content is highly targeted to the intended recipients using personalisation and segments.
Every eDM is professionally tested before the actual delivery.
Mobilize Mail has the expertise, attention to detail and know-how to apply current trends to every email marketing campaign, resulting in more sales for New Zealand businesses.