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Top Tips To Rejuvenate Your Email Marketing

How is your email marketing performing? Good, but not great? We hear you ,and in this blog post, we provide a few tips, for your business.

Some of our recommendations are brand new, and we’ve also included a few reminders of the must-dos too, as it’s easy to overlook what has always worked for your business.

Achieving better results for any marketing initiative is the overall objective and if your email campaign measurement presents ‘no change’ or worse, a drop in engagement, it’s easy to become disheartened and maybe drop email marketing all together. Well, don’t do that, as email is growing! 🙂


Marketing Laws of Category and Mind

  In an earlier blog post we confirmed Al Ries & Jack Trout’s 1994 Immutable Laws of Marketing are as relevant to day as they were 25 years ago. Therefore it’s worth revisiting each of them and how we can use them today. With the laws of resources and perception covered in the earlier post,…



Most Viewed Christmas Video 2018

  Every December we hunt down the most viewed Christmas video, but before we get to it, let’s recap. on which Christmas videos topped the popularity charts the previous couple of years (2017, 2016) and why businesses put so much time and investment into these videos which last just a few minutes. Starting with the…



Mastering Customer Engagement via Social Media

Retaining customers, building customer loyalty and keeping them satisfied are some of the biggest challenges for businesses today.

Social Media can help manage these challenges.

Businesses can put systems in place to gauge their customers’ level of engagement on social media and thus understand their behavior and analyze how to involve them further.


22 Immutable laws of marketing in 2018

  How relevant is the 22 immutable laws of marketing in 2018? This is a good question as undeniably this book has been a top seller for many years. Released in 1994 by Al Ries, Jack Trout, it offered a no nonsense sort of dog-eat-dog world understand of marketing, and as the saying goes: Violate them…



Breaking the Spam and Privacy Law?

Mention ‘law’ and it puts most of on the back foot and in defence mode. We immediately ask: What have I done wrong?

Well as marketers there are so many laws now that being defensive is understandable. It’s not like we want to break the law, we are after all law abiding citizens.


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Are you ready for the new Privacy Act?

Data protection and privacy laws have been revised and strengthened in: Australia, Canada, the EU’s GDPR, Britain and Singapore and the wheels are turning on a new privacy act here in New Zealand.

A year from now (1 July 2019) the new privacy bill (The Bill) is expected to replace the current New Zealand’s Privacy Act 1993 so what does this mean for our marketers and businesses sending out marketing emails to their email lists and collect data online?



Where to spend your advertising budget in 2018

Advertising is one discipline, businesses regardless of their size are always looking for improved ROI. Therefore hunting down and trying new strategies for a higher rate of conversion is the overriding focus of many marketers and business owners; and in this blog article we summarise (from this article “Advertising That Works in 2018”, where you can spend your advertising dollars in 2018.

For ROI and SEO content marketing leads the charge, ahead of other strategies like online banners.



GDPR Is A Timely Reminder To All Marketers

The go-live date for GDPR is nearing and businesses large and small are furiously working on their opt-in campaigns so they’re compliant by 25 May 2018. Of course the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is EU specific but there’s no doubting it’s far reach in the global business landscape.

While many businesses on this side of the world may be looking on in horror at the GDPR, it is a timely reminder to all marketers wherever they reside and whatever industry they’re in, to adhere to anti-spam laws


GDPR and marketing opt in

Email Marketing Plan for 2018

For the email marketers whom have yet to get their email marketing plan underway, here are some tips to make it a huge success with more email subscribers, better conversion rates and lower unsubscribes.

Your email marketing plan will keep you focused and motivated throughout the year.


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