GDPR Is A Timely Reminder To All Marketers

The go-live date for GDPR is nearing and businesses large and small are furiously working on their opt-in campaigns so they’re compliant by 25 May 2018. Of course the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is EU specific but there’s no doubting it’s far reach in the global business landscape.
This video on BBC is a no-nonsense 101 on GDPR. With all these anti-spam laws, it can come down to how they’re interpreted. Just like our own Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007, the GDPR sensibly provides the parameters for business to market their services, all the while doing their best to respect the personal data businesses hold on people they wish to contact regularly.
One interpretation is if the business relationship exists then proof of consent is inferred. If not, then you need to make sure you have proof the person on your database did opt-in. The GDPR is more far-reaching than our law here in New Zealand which essentially was created to focus on ‘electronic’ communication’ including texts and email. The GDPR also includes offline mediums like direct mail (post).
Opt-in Requests
Right now not only will you be receiving data protection policy update emails from EU businesses and global operators e.g. Google, Apple etc. You’ll also be getting opt-in requests for lots of businesses. Now while this maybe a little tiresome for you to deal with due to it’s present proliferation – remember it’s a good thing. Here is your chance to resubscribe or not, to marketing emails, etc from businesses you may not have known had your personal data.
For businesses the reconfirm opt in process is essentially a clearing of the decks – a spring clean of the database. There’s no doubting the opt-in process is terrifying as a large percentage of data is wiped and no longer available. A business with the right mindset will use the GDPR to their advantage starting with an email list of genuinely interested and targeted prospects and clients. So it’s quality versus quantity. The starting point, post the re opt in campaign will be a lot smaller but the rate of conversion will be a lot higher and with expert marketing campaigns the lists will grow.
Timely Reminder
While many businesses on this side of the world may be looking on in horror at the GDPR, it is a timely reminder to all marketers wherever they reside and whatever industry they’re in, to adhere to anti-spam laws and it’s also a reminder to recipients to report non-compliance so there’s fair play and a level playing field for all businesses doing the right thing and playing by the rules.