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What Is Email Still Good For?

Email as a marketing channel has got a lot of competition in 2015. Numerous social media networks, instant messaging, chat and discussion forums are all vying for the marketing dollar. So how are businesses measuring the success of email marketing in 2015 and why do Marketers still love it?


Inbound Marketing Turns Strangers Into Clients

Inbound Marketing works continuously to fill a business’ pipeline with prospective customers and advocates. It’s role is to create awareness, interest and desire. There are three types of Inbound Marketing: Paid, Owned and Earned. Do you have all three working for your business today?


Marketing, Not As You Know It

Have you heard of Contextual Marketing? It’s the future of marketing. Contextual Marketing is commonly known as a form of online advertising that serves up targeted ads based on search terms used and recent browser history. It is evolving as a strategy however that can be modified and businesses can use it in other channels e.g. email to create stronger relationships with their customers.


Email Intelligence – Do You Have It?

An interesting question – do you have email intelligence or more accurately do you have eDM marketing intelligence? What is it – you may well be asking yourself right now. Email Intelligence sums up how you use email marketing for your business.


The Future of Advertising Is Entertainment

What is the future of Advertising? The use of smartphones, Ad blockers and social media is threatening mainstream websites dependent on ad revenue.

Most visitors also feel indignant when Ads just pop up without encouragement and eventually elect to frequent websites that offer less intrusion.


Future of Emails Is Microsite eDMs

The future of emails is incredibly bright with design features on the horizon that can turn an eDM into a landing page or microsite. The focus of eDM microsite design is to allow your eDM recipient to stay within their Inbox on their smartphone but still take the action your business desires – i.e. make a purchase.


Multitasking With Your SmartPhone

Eating and watching TV is multitasking made easy but eating and watching a video on your iPhone not so…..until now.

The Chinese have come up with a way to slurp noodles and watch your smartphone at the same time with a iPhone noodle bowl.


Why You Need To Email Market Generation Xers

You may be wondering why your business needs to specifically email market Generation Xers. Well this generation is ‘all powerful’ yet it is known as ‘the forgotten generation’ due to being quickly pushed aside to get the ‘Millennials’.


How Your Email Marketing Grabs Attention

In our last blog post we confirmed email is the preferred form of communication between business and customers. Even retail customers prefer email over face to face interaction. In this blog post we let you know how you can get Millennials and really probably almost everyone else to taken action off your marketing emails.


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