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How Welcoming Is Your Business?

Do you have a ‘Welcome’ email set up? If not your business is missing out on creating a good first impression. In our earlier blog article – eDM Personalisation Tips – setting up a series of welcoming emails for new subscribers was a core topic.

In this blog article we focus on why you need to set up at least one well thought out ‘Hello From Us’ eDM that will be received by anyone joining your email marketing list.


eDM Personalisation Tips

Personalising your eDMs improves open and click statistics according to studies done by leading marketing companies.

MarketingSerpa is one business that works tirelessly at mining data to assist marketers. It justifiably presents itself as a ‘research institute’ so what has it found out on the use of personalisation in eDMs (email marketing messages) campaigns?


How To Boost Landing Page Conversions

An earlier blog post introduced you to CRO (conversion rate optimisation) i.e. how to use user feedback and analytics to improve website conversions.

This blog post goes a step further honing in on how to boost your landing page conversions.


Google’s New Service – Helpouts

Google has a new service called Helpouts. It’s not entirely new – as it’s a service that has evolved through trial and error over the years. The latest version looks like it’s here to stay.

So what is Google Helpouts and what are the pros and cons of this service?


eDM and Blog Writing Tips

Is eDM and blog copy writing a skill you can learn? We believe it is, and also it’s a skill that can be honed with practice and ongoing review. Here are some straightforward rules you can follow to create eDM and newsletter copy that will impress your email subscribers.


SnapChat is 3 Years Old

SnapChat is is a photo messaging application used to share photos, videos add text and drawings. It is very popular with young people – so your children under 18 years, and young adults between 18 – 35 years will more than likely be using it.


Choosing The Right eDM Subject Line

The subject line of your email marketing message needs 100 % of your undivided attention so it delivered the desired result – higher open rate.

A poor subject line will result in your eDM being ignored by your email list subscribers.


Email Design Top Tips For Designers & Developers

Email Design has improved over time however it’s not coding a website Web developers can fall into the trap of designing and coding email templates like they are HTML web pages. This blog article provides basic instruction on email design do’s and don’ts.


Apple Super Sizes Phone

The release of anything Apple instantly grabs the attention of the tech world and apple lovers. So the release of their iPhone 6 overnight was no exception. The standard phone is larger than the iPhone 5s and you can super size that with the iPhone 6 Plus.


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