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Inbound Marketing Turns Strangers Into Clients



Inbound Marketing works continuously to fill a business’ pipeline with prospective customers and advocates. It’s role is to create awareness, interest and desire. There are three types of Inbound Marketing: Paid, Owned and Earned. Do you have all three working for your business today?

When all three types are operational optimum results are the most likely outcome for your business with a healthy pipeline of referrals and prospective customers. How do you know if they are working well for your business? By reviewing the statistics generated by analytics reports . All three types of Inbound Marketing can be measured and your business can tweak the ‘paid’ and ‘owned’ strategies to get better results from the ‘earned’.

Paid – Inbound Marketing

The good news for your business is it can pay to use Inbound Marketing. There are publishers and service providers in all different industries with online assets including high visitor traffic websites, email and social networks your business can utilise to channel targeted ‘strangers’ over to your website, email list and social networks..

Examples of Paid Inbound Marketing

Online Banners – online publishers like news websites, discussion forums display advertising banners for a fee. PropertyTalk is an asset we own that displays online banners for real estate related service providers.

Content Marketing – Blog Articles – online publishers like PropertyBlogs and BusinessBlogs publish articles with a hyperlink to the client website. The back-link is good for SEO over time and the immediate benefit is targeted ‘strangers’ (traffic) to your website.

Search Advertising – Google Adwords is very popular and when it is executed well (which is best achieved with a Google Adwords Certified business or professional) the results prove it’s worth the cost.  It’s a marketing strategy that leverages off key word searches and we know a very high percentage of customers research online via search before they make the purchase.

Email Solis Lists – publishers and service providers with large networks offer their opt-in solis list as a service for business promotion. The solis list contains email addresses of people who have opted in to receive business promotional emails. Some of the publishers who offer the service are: HomeBizBuzz, TradeMe, and PropertyTalk via their monthly newsletter.

Owned – Inbound Marketing

Your business email marketing, blog and social network profiles are examples of ‘owned’ Inbound Marketing. Placement of regular custom content on your blog and sharing it via your email marketing and social network broadcasts

Earned – Inbound Marketing

Third party endorsement is‘earned’ inbound marketing. Comments left on your social profiles, blog articles, and in discussion forums is ‘earned’ activity.

The ‘paid’ and ‘owned’ types of inbound marketing promote the ‘earned’ type which is what your business strives for the most. Third party endorsement is renown for converting more strangers into customers.

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