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Mobilize Mail – Email & Social Media Marketing Planning

When we talk about marketing plans it is important to recognize the difference between sales and marketing, often people think, incorrectly, that they are same thing. Marketing is essentially the ground work that allows you to get to a point where a sale can be negotiated and sealed. You could say that sales are an activity of marketing.

Businesses Beware – Social Media Advertising can Backfire

Businesses are responsible not only for their own social media marketing nz content, but anything that users have added or uploaded. A business could be censured for offensive or misleading content posted by a third-party on its Google Plus or Facebook page.

Facebook tips – Competitions

If you are small business or operate with a small team then you probably do not have a lot of time for social media and trying to staying on top of the constant changes that the likes of Facebook undergo can seem daunting.

The Importance of Blogs as a Business Marketing Tool

Blogs are a great way to reach out and as a business marketing tool they offer you the ability to highlight aspects of your business and can add interest to goods and services that link into other business assets like websites and social media sites. From a Social Media Marketing NZ perspective, when “blogging” it is crucial to have your blog linking to your websites and social media sites, getting readers to click through to your main assets has to be the primary goal of a blog. Making the blog interesting and informative will maximize the chances of the reader engaging with your brand and business.

Make your Facebook Page a Fan Favorite

With your Facebook fan page there are so many choices to make – there is such a wide choice of set up options, including live chat options, photos, updates, video, and links. Having a Facebook plan should be top most in your businesses Social Media Marketing NZ strategy.

Protecting Your Online Reputation Within Your Business

You might be surprised at the title of this blog and may not be aware of the dangers to your Online Reputation that your employees can pose, even without meaning to. Many businesses using Social Media Marketing NZ and connecting with many people are gaining the benefits that mass marketing offers, but there are some dangers to be on the look out for.

Pinterest And Your Business

There is a real buzz around about Pinterest and it is no surprise that it is the fastest growing social media site, but Pinterest is not for everyone. The percentage of Pinterest visitors who click on links that go to other sites, is higher on Pinterest than it is on other social media sites, The largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology – reports Pinterest is ranked the number 3 social media site.

Building your Fanbase on Facebook

healthy Fanbase on your Facebook Page will give your business many opportunities for customer engagement and promotion and ensure your brand is out there and known. Building a Fanbase takes time and is not just about getting people to click the “Like” button. According to some research – over 50% of fans say they never or seldom visit a business page after “liking” them.

Setting up your New Facebook Page Design

There have been many changes recently to Facebook Pages, so if you have a Business Facebook Page, as at the 31st of March 2012 you will now see the new Timeline set up for your page and you will need to update some of your content on your Facebook Page in order to keep the Page looking sharp and professional.

Guide to the New Facebook Page Design

To maximize Facebook as your primary Social Media Marketing NZ tool you need to make sure your Facebook Page looks current and professional. Over the coming weeks we will put up articles to help you understand the changes and maximize the effectiveness of the new design for your business. Many of the changes you need to make will be prompted next time you (as an Administrator of your Facebook Page) enter Facebook.