Guide to the New Facebook Page Design
If your business has a Facebook Page you may have noticed that there are changes to your page. The new design mirrors the popular Timeline feature that Facebook individuals use and all Facebook Pages will now have to use the new design.
To maximize Facebook as your primary Social Media Marketing NZ tool you need to make sure your Facebook Page looks current and professional.
Over the coming weeks we will put up articles to help you understand the changes and maximize the effectiveness of the new design for your business.
Many of the changes you need to make will be prompted next time you (as an Administrator of your Facebook Page) enter Facebook. Below is an overview of the changes to Facebook Pages.
Whats New
Cover Photo – This is different from your profile picture and is a large banner image that should reflect your brand, there are restriction on what your banner can hold, for example; prices, web addresses or calls to action.
Profile Pictures – Usually your company Logo goes in the profile picture and is used on all updates and feeds.
Views and Apps – Below your cover photo the new set up will feature photos, likes, and apps you can alter the order these appear in. A total of 12 apps can be shown via a drop down and you can customize each apps icon.
Star, Hide or Pin – You can now “pin” or anchor a story or article to the top of your timeline, for up to 7 days you can highlight a post, this means you can control what the first thing visitors to your timeline will see.
Admin Panel – The link to the Admin section is now at the top right of the page and means you can track activity and quickly respond to comments, or to edit your page.
Enable Messages – Admins can now allow users to send them personal messages. This can be set up in various ways through the admin panel
Additional Features – Such as Friend Activity, Milestones and Activity Logs.
As you can see there are quite a few changes and a bit to learn to ensure that you gain the most out of your Facebook Page. We will keep the guides coming and do our best to help you get the best results from your Facebook Page.
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