How To Get The Best Results With Email Marketing
Email marketing is being taken seriously by all online businesses simply because it continues to show excellent results as a marketing strategy in a highly competitive world.
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that opens a direct communication channel with prospective customers to invoke their interest in the products and services on offer. However, emails have had to evolve and grow beyond a mere advertising pitch into a more personalized, customized one.
To achieve the best results emails besides being personalised, also need to be respectful and cautious, with no loose comments, leaving the reader with a feel good feeling. The fact that it is one of the cheapest marketing initiatives, makes it is worth the effort to get the message right.
Emails can be seen as SPAM when they are unsolicited, and therefore they need to be personal and permitted as per the Anti-Spam Act. Industries are getting smarter and have started using a set of email best practices that make their email marketing nz campaign a big success.
Tips for email marketing success
- Send solicited mails by taking permission– Emails are powerful since they have the maximum reach. Since most people have email addresses, having them sign up to receive mails, is the solution to avoid spam, and ensuring that they reach the targeted potential end customer. By taking permission, customer good will stays intact and spam penalties are avoided. However, getting permission comes at a price, generally in the form of a discount coupon, a free gift or some other tangible benefit. It also makes sense to have a simple, short and uncomplicated process of registering and signing up.
- A mailing list with a target clientele – Solicited mails are fine, but they make sense only to people genuinely interested in the products or services being offered. To all others, they are a wasted effort. Every marketing endeavor has to focus on the target clientele, who have a genuine interest in the products and have the highest probability of being converted. Asking people to pass on information about friends who would be interested and encouraging them to share, is a good way of building a targeted mailing list.
- Maintain databases with the latest information– collecting client information and building a database is something all businesses do. However, it is often found that once a database is in place, the information is never checked, and updated. New people may be added, but little is done to check the details of old entries. A bit of effort will indicate people have moved on, addresses and phone numbers have changed and even email ids are no longer in use. Experts believe that it is best to work with the cleanest permission list of the specific industry that can be taken from content management databases. Co-registration websites like and can also be used.
- Persistence pays– customer relations take time to build and persistence s the only way to see them through. Continuous effort to stay in touch at regular intervals shows commitment and devotion that customers will respond positively to. One way to do it is to start a story that can be continued in a series of emails. If it is gripping enough, clients will wait for the next part.
The customer eventually is king (or Queen), hence it is important to see what he likes, in terms of design, content and what leaves an impact on him. Following the best practices in the industry is one way of achieving success with emails.