Building your Fanbase on Facebook
This is the fourth blog in our series about the new look Facebook and how your business can maximize Facebook as a Social Media Marketing NZ tool.
A healthy Fanbase on your Facebook Page will give your business many opportunities for customer engagement and promotion and ensure your brand is out there and known.
Building a Fanbase takes time and is not just about getting people to click the “Like” button. According to some research – over 50% of fans say they never or seldom visit a business page after “liking” them.
How to get a Fanbase
Create a Fan-gate – this means that your page has exclusive offers and content that only Facebook Fans can access.
Invite other Subscribers – if you use email newsletters to keep in touch with customers, you can suggest they check out your Facebook page
Great Look – Using the new timeline features, make sure your page is attractive and pin your best article or video to the top of the timeline.
Run Promotions – running competitions, offers and promotions for your fans is a great way to get their buy in and often leads to them sharing your offers with their own social network friends.
Print Media – If your business has any printed matter – make sure you refer to your Facebook page on this.
Look after your Page – if you allow comments and postings to your site make sure you monitor and respond to any comments and enquires. Keep an eye on any links that are being added to ensure your pages content is all yours.
The Reach Generator – Reach Generator allows advertisers to pay Facebook on an ongoing basis, to sponsor one page post every day, and guarantee a 75 percent reach of the page’s fanbase over a month-long period. This “always on” packaged solution makes it easy for you to regularly reach and engage 75% of your fans with meaningful content from your Page.
So getting visitors to “Like” your Facebook Page is the first step in the connection you want to make with them and hope that they become a regular visitor to your page.
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