In part two of our look at Facebook’s key areas we are focusing on managing your page. There are many different options available when setting up your business on Facebook, the following are a few key ways to manage this.

In part two of our look at Facebook’s key areas we are focusing on managing your page. There are many different options available when setting up your business on Facebook, the following are a few key ways to manage this.
Tough trading conditions requires traditional businesses to break the rules and take all of it or some of it online. Bringing your business online is fraught with challenges – from how to operate your business to how to market it.
Businesses are responsible not only for their own social media marketing nz content, but anything that users have added or uploaded. A business could be censured for offensive or misleading content posted by a third-party on its Google Plus or Facebook page.
If you are small business or operate with a small team then you probably do not have a lot of time for social media and trying to staying on top of the constant changes that the likes of Facebook undergo can seem daunting.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization basically refers to the process of increasing the visibility of a website in search results engine – like Google or Yahoo.
You can certainly pay for the privilege of ranking high on the search results and many SEO professionals will tell you that the only way to get good ranking is to pay for it. But can you do it yourself?
Writing articles and blogs used to be a more organic and natural process where you could just write without thinking about how your article would be found and who would read it. Now, as authors and bloggers, we are having to concern ourselves with things like search engine optimization (SEO), back linking, link building, natural links and of course how all this then links into Social Media Marketing NZ – which now plays an important part of a businesses online reputation management.
Blogs are a great way to reach out and as a business marketing tool they offer you the ability to highlight aspects of your business and can add interest to goods and services that link into other business assets like websites and social media sites. From a Social Media Marketing NZ perspective, when “blogging” it is crucial to have your blog linking to your websites and social media sites, getting readers to click through to your main assets has to be the primary goal of a blog. Making the blog interesting and informative will maximize the chances of the reader engaging with your brand and business.
With your Facebook fan page there are so many choices to make – there is such a wide choice of set up options, including live chat options, photos, updates, video, and links. Having a Facebook plan should be top most in your businesses Social Media Marketing NZ strategy.
You might be surprised at the title of this blog and may not be aware of the dangers to your Online Reputation that your employees can pose, even without meaning to. Many businesses using Social Media Marketing NZ and connecting with many people are gaining the benefits that mass marketing offers, but there are some dangers to be on the look out for.
There is a real buzz around about Pinterest and it is no surprise that it is the fastest growing social media site, but Pinterest is not for everyone. The percentage of Pinterest visitors who click on links that go to other sites, is higher on Pinterest than it is on other social media sites, The largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology – reports Pinterest is ranked the number 3 social media site.