Mobilize Mail has active social profiles (, and LinkedIn groups) and we actively participate. However we have known for some time that email marketing is more successful for businesses than social media and it is reassuring that others believe it too. So why is email marketing more powerful than social media for business? Rich Brooks has…
GiveAway Campaigns Build Your Email Marketing List Perfectly
Over the last couple of years many of our clients have secured our social medial marketing solutions for business and seen the positive results in their email marketing lists too. A blog is now a vital communication asset for your business and it also works twofold through providing ample material for a GiveAway campaign that grows your email marketing list.
Email Design – Layout and Format Tips
Just like web design, getting the layout of an HTML email right is essential. Here are some tips focusing on the layout and format of your email, these tips will help your Email marketing NZ campaigns to be successful.
Smart Tactics for Developing an Effective Email Marketing Strategy
In this video, Brian Brown from Silverpop discusses three tactics for taking your email marketing strategy from being outdated to being outstanding.
All About Spam
It is five years since the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 came into effect, so it is a good time to go over what it is all about. Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile or smart phone text (TXT) and image-based messages you receive without having requested them.
Email Marketing – Trending Topics
What’s trending right now? Mid Winter, London Olympics, Rugby Finals, Batman Movie. There is always a buzz about something in the social media and the social media chatter can sometimes preempt mainstream media. While some themes and trends are best to keep away from, other positive trends can be a boost to your email marketing campaigns.
What you Need to Know About Anti Spam
What is Spam? Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile phone text and image-based messages you may receive without requesting them. You will find that almost always these messages are of a commercial nature and invite you, the recipient, to buy a product or service.
The Future of Email Marketing
The world of Email Marketing NZ is changing and your email marketing audience is changing too. Smartphones are all the buzz and the numbers of people assessing their email on smartphones and other Web enabled devices is growing day by day.
How to Write Blog Articles
To be a successful blogger you have to keep up with the many different aspects of blogging and accept that it is a constantly evolving genre. But central to any change in the way to deliver a blog is the ability to write compelling, fresh and engaging content consistently and continuously over time.
Newsletter Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaign.
There is no doubt that email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool that keep you in touch with your subscribers and keep them up to date with what your business is doing and what you have on offer and this cements your relationship with them. The difficulty with newsletters and all marketing emails is getting it opened by the recipient, their inbox will be full of emails and you want your email to appear interesting and worthy of a “open click”.