Mobilize Mail > Anti-SPAM Compliance NZ

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DIA and Anti-SPAM Questions

A couple of days ago I thought I would send the DIA an email asking them to provide me with any guidelines they have related to the unsubscribe facility and sender contact details within text messages. I have to say that I am very impressed with the response rate of my emails from DIA and…


DIA Releases Anti-SPAM Web Site

I located the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) web site for the Anti-SPAM Act. It’s a good start on providing information to businesses on the Act and no doubt they will add more information as the questions come pouring in. Click here to access the web site They have also provided a business guide which…


SMS and the NZ Anti SPAM Act

Oh what fun! The NZ Anti-SPAM Act covers SMS messages that are of a commercial nature. That’s fine you say… Well is it? Let us look at what needs to be in a SMS message apart from the message. 1) The name and contact details of the sender who authorised the sender of the message….


Get Your Business Compliant with the Anti SPAM Law

I have just uploaded an article to our articles section that provides detailed help for New Zealand businesses trying to become compliant with the NZ Anti-SPAM Act. Its funny but I have seen a couple of “workshops” in NZ charging people anywhere from $700.00 NZD to over $1000.00 NZD to learn the same stuff I…


Selling is caught in the Act

On 5th September 2007 the New Zealand Anti Spam Law called the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 comes into force and currently there is no code of conduct or official practical guide to assist us (yet). Fortunately we have access to reliable legal advice on the interpretation of this new law and where it impacts…


Client Question: When must an unsubscribe facility be included in a commercial electronic message? Is it only bulk emails, or is it all messages including one to one correspondence? Answer: The New Zealand Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act covers all commercial electronic messages – from one-off messages to bulk mail-outs. No minimal number of recipients are…


NZ Spam Law – Subscriber History Requirements

Q. Do I have to keep permission details sent by my opt-out subscribers who previously given consent to receive a commercial electronic message? A. Our legal advisors suggest it is advisable to keep as much detail and evidence of opt-in and opt-out subscriptions. The information may be required in case of a complaint. Some of…


Consent and the NZ Anti-SPAM Act

Below is a question from one of our clients… Do I need ensure I have consent for every subscriber before sending a commercial electronic message even though they are already on my existing mailing list and have received numerous emails from me? Short answer – YES After 5 September 2007 anyone who sends commercial email…


I have just quickly browsed over the Singaporean SPAM Control Bill which was passed by the Singapore Parliament on the 12th April 2007 and it makes for interesting reading (if of course you like reading this kind of stuff). Here are the most interesting points for me when I reflect on the NZ Unsolicited Electronic…


NZ Spam Law – Charities Must Comply

The Australian Spam Law – “Spam Act 2003” provides an exemption for Charities and Religious organisations. The New Zealand Spam Law – “Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007” is not following suit – all charities and religious organisations will need to comply with the legislation as from 5th September 2007. Imagine the following headline – “Salvation…


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