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Marketing Laws of Category and Mind

  In an earlier blog post we confirmed Al Ries & Jack Trout’s 1994 Immutable Laws of Marketing are as relevant to day as they were 25 years ago. Therefore it’s worth revisiting each of them and how we can use them today. With the laws of resources and perception covered in the earlier post,…

Are Your Emails Being Read?

This is a good question – are your emails being read? Marketing today is tough-going especially if you’re doing the same as you ever have i.e. impersonal, transactional and always focused on what’s in it for you.

Today consumers demand more and marketers who don’t focus their content to please their intended audience end up with emails being ignored.

Business Email Marketing Tips For The Pro

Most businesses have been doing emailing marketing for so many years is there anything new to learn? Yes. An article contributed to BusinessBlogs recently is trending right now. It has valuable recommendations for businesses specially those whom use it as their primary channel for new business prospects.

Email List Size Matters

The size of your email list should be your focus in 2017. Grow it. Set up online and offline campaigns dedicated to list-building. The campaigns need to be relevant to your target audience and capture the basic information initially then follow-up with campaigns that are more targeted. Next, analyse your follow-up campaigns and all email marketing statistics to build segments of your email list subscribers so your business can target it’s offerings more accurately and be rewarded with a higher success rate.

Email On Target To Reach 246 Billion By 2019

Email is getting more popular and it’s on target to reach 246 Billion per day by 2019. That’s a lot of email.

Email is loved for its management and archiving capabilities. There is no replacement for it – yet. Instant messaging in mobile apps and social media has taken some of the load off email however that’s just been filled by all the communication once delivered by snail mail.

Email Like Clinton, Not Trump

What didn’t the Trump campaign do well before they commenced their email marketing campaign? In our earlier post Expert Email Marketing Clinton Style the Clinton and Trump email campaigns were compared.

Email ROI Beats Social, Mobile, Search

Email’s ROI is still ahead of most offline and online channels according to Direct Marketing Assoc. Email’s ROI is twice as good as Social, Mobile, and Direct Mail and a third better than Search. However it’s a channel that needs nurturing. Your email list subscribers need regular communication from your business and on this blog and in our revised 2016 ebook we have tips on how to improve your communication. Plus here are more helpful tips to improve your rate of email conversion (opens and clicks).

Email Marketing in 2015 Tips

The KISS approach to email marketing still reigns supreme in 2015. Email applications do have more bells and whistles now including tools to better manage the Inbox. Blocking images, and blocking email addresses are two new functions users have at their fingertips therefore email marketing messages (eDMs) need to adapt to thrive in 2015 and beyond.

Why Less Images in eDMs Works Better

Dropping an image in an eDM is easier and faster to do than using HTML to cleverly present the same message using colour and text. Using images is also more attractive now too with popular email clients immediately downloading images when a message is opened from the recipient’s Inbox.

eDM Personalisation Tips

Personalising your eDMs improves open and click statistics according to studies done by leading marketing companies.

MarketingSerpa is one business that works tirelessly at mining data to assist marketers. It justifiably presents itself as a ‘research institute’ so what has it found out on the use of personalisation in eDMs (email marketing messages) campaigns?