Email Marketing in 2015 Tips
The KISS approach to email marketing still reigns supreme in 2015. Email applications do have more bells and whistles now including tools to better manage the Inbox. Blocking images, and blocking email addresses are two new functions users have at their fingertips therefore email marketing messages (eDMs) need to adapt to thrive in 2015 and beyond.
Here are a couple of tips for email marketing success in 2015.
Tip 1. Use Landing Pages
Your Business may have a lot to say if it’s not been in contact with it’s email database for a month. In late 2015 your lengthy newsletter no longer works as a lengthy email – it needs to be hosted online and there are a few options available to make this happen so your business can adapt quick smart.
Your newsletter can either be one article or series of articles on your website blog. Then your email newsletter would link to these articles. This is how we manage our newsletter or like many of our clients, your newsletter can be hosted on a landing page. This is a service we provide (see: email marketing). The landing page needs to be in responsive design for your mobile users.
The eDM (email message) will provide a summary of your newsletter’s topics and links to the full length articles or newsletter online. There is more on eDM design in these articles: How your email grabs attention; Email Intelligence – do you have it?
Tip 2. Use HTML Over Images
With email applications like gmail now offering image blocking it pays to be one step ahead with your email design. Use images sparingly and use background colour and alt-txt in the image placeholders. This will remove the empty white space look and your eDM will look attractive with or without images. Here is an earlier blog article on Why Less Images in eDMs Works Better.
Email marketing is evolving as more users pick up their email on their smartphones.
Businesses definitely need to adapt too as email is still the preferred communications channel.
“Email is the primary form of communication, retention, and the most direct way to drive revenue for companies. With a typical return of 45:1 on every dollar invested, email is the best ROI for digital marketers.”