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2016 eBook – Business Email Marketing

Business email marketing in 2016 is alive and well and it remains the preferred communication channel for businesses worldwide. Use of email is actually growing in popularity contrary to what some would have you believe.

Email applications were quite basic not that long ago but that’s in the past. The growth in email use has seen tech firms invest more in their email applications adding more user friendly features.

Business Email Marketing Grows

Businesses reliance on email as a communications channel with customers, prospects and advocates is growing with it’s use expanding beyond the monthly newsletter. A recent Salesforce survey lists typical campaign types used by their customers. While most of their customers are located in America; here in New Zealand the types of email campaigns are growing too.

Optimising Your Email Marketing Lists

When was the last time you looked at your email list? How active are your subscribers? We predict twenty percent of your email list subscribers are responsible for eighty percent of the opens and clicks in your email marketing campaigns.

Now is the time to formulate a plan to engage with more of subscribers on your business email list.

Evolve Your Business Email Marketing For Greater ROI

New Zealand businesses have access to a multitude of online marketing channels yet email marketing remains the most successful – more so for the businesses who use personalisation and email list segmentation. It wasn’t that long ago doomsayers were suggesting email marketing was dead or soon would be. Of course email marketing is alive and…

Does Email Marketing Create Sales For Your Business?

There is a very simple way to find out if your email marketing is creating sales for your business. When you use an ESP like Mobilize Mail you get statistics per eDM (email marketing) campaign.  These statistics let you know what the recipients did with the message you sent to them i.e. did they open…

Browsers – What You Need To Know When Email Marketing

Internet browsers will present your eDM’s (email marketing messages) differently.  Do you know how your messages present in the commonly used browsers e.g. Firefox, IE, Chrome etc? When Mobilize Mail tests eDMs for clients as part of our premium service (business eDM campaign management) we are some times surprised at just how much browsers play…

Mobilize Mail – Offline Client Winning Online

Tough trading conditions requires traditional businesses to break the rules and take all of it or some of it online. Bringing your business online is fraught with challenges – from how to operate your business to how to market it.

Mobilize Mail – Email & Social Media Marketing Planning

When we talk about marketing plans it is important to recognize the difference between sales and marketing, often people think, incorrectly, that they are same thing. Marketing is essentially the ground work that allows you to get to a point where a sale can be negotiated and sealed. You could say that sales are an activity of marketing.

Mobilize Mail’s Marketing Campaign Support Applications Perfect For Business

Business email and social media marketing campaigns are now less likely to be standalone marketing initiatives. More often than not Businesses market their products or services via online and offline channels simultaneously and managing the response from various the channels is a challenge that is now met with our marketing support applications.

Email Design – Layout and Format Tips

Just like web design, getting the layout of an HTML email right is essential. Here are some tips focusing on the layout and format of your email, these tips will help your Email marketing NZ campaigns to be successful.