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More Likely to Purchase After Receiving Email

In Asia Pacific 65% said they were more likely to buy a product after receiving a marketing email. Wow! That is a huge result for the advocates of email marketing, and a reminder to anyone not on board to get started with email marketing immediately. Globally the result was also impressive with nearly 6 out…


There’s a lot of talk about using online social media platforms to grow your business by connecting directly with consumers. But should we be using these tools for B2B (Business to Business) marketing? Recent statistics out of the USA show that the annual spend on B2B social media marketing is expected to increase from $11…


Are Websites About to Become Obsolete?

The words “drive them to your website” may soon become obsolete as social media online marketing platforms and interactive websites continue to increase in popularity. Remember when having your own URL was the key focus of your marketing plan? And building a huge website with all the bells and whistles was how you communicated with…


Rodney Wayne’s Downstage Promotion was part of an ongoing promotional program in conjunction with Downstage Theatre. The March 2010 promotion offered a give-away of a complimentary cut and blow-wave at Rodney Wayne Cuba Mall, two tickets to the opening night of Biography of my Skin starring Miranda Harcourt and a voucher for food and beverages to the value of $200 at the Hippopotamus restaurant at The Museum Hotel.


It’s not all about the Deals on Social Media

Deals rate highly with social media users but it’s not the only reason they follow New Zealand businesses on sites like Facebook and Twitter. A recent survey by MarketingSherpa gave ‘Specials and Deals ‘top billing as the most desired reason for following a brand online. However learning about a brand’s service, new products and features…


Integrating Social Media With Other Marketing Streams

The success of social media marketing campaigns is often unpredictable, and that’s all down to human behaviour. Humans usually have a balanced approach to their daily lives but now and then we make decisions that don’t quite make sense. So, it can be difficult to know whether your campaign is going to be successful. However,…


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