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Guide to the New Facebook Page Design

To maximize Facebook as your primary Social Media Marketing NZ tool you need to make sure your Facebook Page looks current and professional. Over the coming weeks we will put up articles to help you understand the changes and maximize the effectiveness of the new design for your business. Many of the changes you need to make will be prompted next time you (as an Administrator of your Facebook Page) enter Facebook.

How To Make Blogs Successful With Fresh, Evergreen Content

Posting rehashed content and a mangled set of old ideas cannot do much for a blog. The challenge lies in getting such content or writing it yourself. Bloggers use both honest and dishonest means to get good content, but in the end, the successful ones are those using honest means of getting original content.

Reduce the Cost of Converting Prospects into Customers

The cost of customer acquisition is high when you use traditional marketing channels. For every ten prospects you may turn one into a customer. Using social networks the ratio is a lot higher and maybe as high as one in fifty e.g. for every 50 prospects you may convert one into a customer. The good news is you can use systems to reduce the actual marketing cost when using social networks to market your business and get return on your investment.

Give Away Prize Draws Return Big Results For Business

The ‘daily deal’ email is now a firm fixture in our Inbox and this activity has changed the way consumers shop, drink and eat out.

Online give away prize draws are also in high demand with lots of entrants signing up to win all sorts of prizes. Times are definitely tougher in 2011 and consumers are therefore motivated to enter prize draws for the chance to get a decent product or service for free.

However what does the campaign owner (i.e. the Business) get from giving stuff away?

More Blogging Equals More New Sales

Ah the company blog, it seems everyone’s got one (this is ours!), sadly not everyone is doing a great job blogging. When Businesses get it right – their sales are more consistent according to hubspot. There is also a clear correlation between frequency of posts versus acquisition of new customers –

Women Tweet More & Twitter Gets Serious

This is probably not really news to most of us who are of the belief that women talk more than men – however it is confirmed in a article on that women use twitter to send ‘tweets’ 40 percent more often than men do. This revelation was identified on the new Twitter Follower dashboard.

How To Attract Prospects Online

Right now most businesses are fully aware that we are still deep in a recession that shows no sign of abating anytime soon. In order to survive businesses must reduce costs and partner with professionals that can provide smart and innovative solutions to help with the pipeline.

Social Media Is The Way Forward for Business to Business Marketing

There’s a lot of talk about using online social media platforms to grow your business by connecting directly with consumers. But should we be using these tools for B2B (Business to Business) marketing? Recent statistics out of the USA show that the annual spend on B2B social media marketing is expected to increase from $11…