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Content Marketing – Quality Beats Quantity

Quality content leads the way for SEO and content marketing also takes centre stage among digital marketing strategies.

Placement of well written articles on reputable third party websites is paramount for SEO and here’s why…..

The Importance of Link Building in Articles

Writing articles and blogs used to be a more organic and natural process where you could just write without thinking about how your article would be found and who would read it. Now, as authors and bloggers, we are having to concern ourselves with things like search engine optimization (SEO), back linking, link building, natural links and of course how all this then links into Social Media Marketing NZ – which now plays an important part of a businesses online reputation management.

The Importance of Blogs as a Business Marketing Tool

Blogs are a great way to reach out and as a business marketing tool they offer you the ability to highlight aspects of your business and can add interest to goods and services that link into other business assets like websites and social media sites. From a Social Media Marketing NZ perspective, when “blogging” it is crucial to have your blog linking to your websites and social media sites, getting readers to click through to your main assets has to be the primary goal of a blog. Making the blog interesting and informative will maximize the chances of the reader engaging with your brand and business.

What is Project Campfire

What is Project Campfire? It is a free service to help business owners that Mobilize Mail Limited is reigniting. Project Campfire is a blogging initiative that began 18 months ago, its focus is to help businesses get found on the internet and on the internet search engines. From its inception the Project Campfire has been successful for businesses and offers a popular marketing solution that has no costs to them and asks for a minimum amount of time invested to succeed.

How to Write Blog Articles

To be a successful blogger you have to keep up with the many different aspects of blogging and accept that it is a constantly evolving genre. But central to any change in the way to deliver a blog is the ability to write compelling, fresh and engaging content consistently and continuously over time.

How Effective is Article Marketing?

For Email Marketing NZ to be effective it should begin with a plan of action. On your plan should be to create a article marketing strategy with a list of tasks to be achieved and a time-frame that they will happen. Here are some article marketing plan tips from Donna Richardson, the Director of Mobilize Mail Limited has some great tips about article marketing.