The Basics of Blogging For New Zealand Business
Blogging is … to writing what extreme sports are to athletics; more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is in many ways, writing out loud.
Andrew Sullivan – The Atlantic
When done properly, blogging is the perfect business online marketing and reputation management tool and for many New Zealand businesses it has become the foundation of their Social Media Marketing.
More and more businesses are blogging – both to build brand credibility; and to connect with their customers and potential customers. As well as generating content for their own websites, blogging will improve their standing with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
The key elements of a great business blog:
- Blog Title – If you can get a keyword into the title of the blog article and as long as it is relevant, this will help your SEO.
- Keywords – within your blog use keywords that you think your intended audience will Google to find your business’s services or products.
- Professional look – make sure your images and graphics are of the highest quality and make sure all your links work.
- Interesting and relevant content – This sounds obvious, but is one that businesses get wrong. Make sure that your article relates to your brand and that it appeals to your market.
- Back-linking– this refers to the linking of your blog to other websites or social media sites. It is always important when blogging to remember that one of the aims of a blog is direct readers to your other assets – namely your website.
- Ethics – don’t use tactics such as spamming or “black-hatting” – these are tactics that use “non-human” systems to influence search engines and can get you black-listed.
- Length – the ideal length of a blog is between 350 − 500 words. Too short and you will risk not being notice – too long and no one will read the article. You don’t have to write a novel but make sure you have got your message across.
Mobilize Mail provide a business blog writing service.
Business Blog and eBook service to grow your email list and sales