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Interesting Findings Regarding the From Address

A client has asked us about changing the FROM address in their emails so they can provide a more descriptive text to help with subscriber recognition. We thought about this question for a while and decided to run a couple of tests to see what would be the impact of changing the FROM address. Now…


Flash and Email – Can it Work?

Every couple of weeks I wait with baited breath for the next installment of Tim Ferriss’s exciting life. Tim Ferris is a man who states that he only works 4 hours a week to earn more in a month than some people earn in a year. I have read his book and love it so…


Why Your Email Content is Still Important

There is a lot of talk these days of the importance of email “sender reputation” especially for your New Zealand Business. The good news is the reputation of the sender can be enhanced and using an Email Service Provider (ESP) to deliver your bulk email is step in the right direction to improving your ‘sender…


Recession Proof – Email, the Marketers choice!

While traditional marketing channels experience a drop in advertising spend during a downturn or recession – Email remains strong and the Marketer’s choice for communication. In 2007/2008 Industry growth in onlline advertising and email marketing continues to show digital media is the preferred choice. Email Marketing is Evolving Email marketing is continuing to evolve and…


Common sense can help you a lot!

A mentor once told me that the rarest thing in the world is common sense. Over the years I constantly remind myself of this advice and with email marketing its very important to use common sense. Here is an example. Last week I received a commercial email from a property related business which was full…


It’s Time to Integrate and Propagate

Assuming our headline has got your attention you may be wondering what we mean by “integrate and propagate”. Of course we are referring to email marketing solutions and your business. In short we are suggesting you integrate your email marketing system with your core business systems to grow your business efficiently. Email marketing systems can…


It All Starts With The ‘Subject Line’

Back in October 2007 we presented our thoughts on email Subject Lines – Improving the Email Subject Line. Six months later and we have some fresh perspective on Subject Lines – because your email message starts here! If the subject line fails to win over your recipients your email message is left unread. In our…


Create An Email Communications Plan

The saying goes – “People do not plan to fail…..they fail to plan“. Get 2008 off to a great start with an Email Communications Plan. Like any other communications plan – we start by using the 4 x ‘w’s and 1 x ‘h’ (what, why, who, when and how) to create the written ‘plan of…


2008 Resolution – Grow Your Mailing List

We believe your email marketing objective in 2008 should be – to grow your mailing list. Do you know how many ‘confirmed opt in’ subscribers are on your mailing list? Is it less or more subscribers than a month ago, or six months ago? Unless you have key strategies in place to continually grow your…


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