Mobilize Mail > Recession Proof – Email, the Marketers choice!

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Recession Proof – Email, the Marketers choice!

While traditional marketing channels experience a drop in advertising spend during a downturn or recession – Email remains strong and the Marketer’s choice for communication. In 2007/2008 Industry growth in onlline advertising and email marketing continues to show digital media is the preferred choice.

Email Marketing is Evolving

Email marketing is continuing to evolve and the solutions enhancements are providing more value for business. We are witnessing an increase in client requests for solutions capable of managing more complex communication e.g. rewards programs, promotions and events registration.

In a tighter market competition is fierce and businesses are responding with more ingenious incentives to drive more sales revenue.

Competitions for free holidays, new cars, pamper packs are all the rage and the good news is email has evolved to manage the data capture, communication and record management for these marketing incentive schemes.

Do you have an Event or Promotion coming up? Contact us for your tailored email solution.

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