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How To Send Emails That Get Marked As Spam

Having your Emails marked as Spam or having recipients blocking or reporting them is bad for your Online Reputation and bad for your business in general. Avoiding this is crucial and knowing what makes an email get marked as Spam is a good place to start – so you can avoid doing this yourself. Even…

The Psychology of Timings and Email Marketing

A lot has been written about Email Message Design and how to create interest in your Email Marketing Campaigns, bringing these two factors together and looking at the Psychology of your Email Marketing and the time of the day that you send your emails is the next step to maximizing the impact that your campaign has.

How To Make Blogs Successful With Fresh, Evergreen Content

Posting rehashed content and a mangled set of old ideas cannot do much for a blog. The challenge lies in getting such content or writing it yourself. Bloggers use both honest and dishonest means to get good content, but in the end, the successful ones are those using honest means of getting original content.

Top Search Engine and Top Search Term of 2011

Online Reputation begins with where you rank on the various search engines available on the internet. The search engine that has the greatest market share is Google and so really it is important for your business to rank on the Google search results. And the results that are returned need to be positive. At Value…

Its All About Timing In Email Marketing

Email marketing makes sense only if the timing is perfect. The marketing campaign conducted via emails has to push the right message at the most opportune times or else it will not have the desired impact. The reason for this is not far to find. Email marketing involves sending emails to a set of subscribers who have opted and signed up for getting updates about a website’s products and updates.

SEO To Grow Your Sales & Manage Your Reputation

There is a misconception that SEO (search engine optimisation) is a one-off task. That is once a website has been optimised the SEO has been done and the website will rank highly in search results forever.

How To Improve Online Marketing

The year 2011 saw online businesses using more effective advertising techniques to reach out to a targeted audience. These techniques were evolved with the aid of research data available about consumer preferences, and the principal idea was to increase brand awareness, make online buying a hassle free experience and also ensure that shopping carts are not abandoned midway due to some site navigation issues.

Reduce the Cost of Converting Prospects into Customers

The cost of customer acquisition is high when you use traditional marketing channels. For every ten prospects you may turn one into a customer. Using social networks the ratio is a lot higher and maybe as high as one in fifty e.g. for every 50 prospects you may convert one into a customer. The good news is you can use systems to reduce the actual marketing cost when using social networks to market your business and get return on your investment.

The Most Effective Subject Lines – Short or Long?

Subject lines for emails have evolved and so much research has been done on this subject, just to guide writers and businesses about what makes the most effective subject lines, and how to get them right in terms of size.

Integrating Email Marketing Into the Business Mainstream

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing where producers or sellers of goods and services get in touch with prospective buyers directly rather than through intermediary agencies. The underlying idea is to build relationships with them through emails by providing relevant information that will tempt them to show interest in the products and services offered by the business.