Mobilize Mail > New Zealand Business Blogging

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How Effective is Article Marketing?

For Email Marketing NZ to be effective it should begin with a plan of action. On your plan should be to create a article marketing strategy with a list of tasks to be achieved and a time-frame that they will happen. Here are some article marketing plan tips from Donna Richardson, the Director of Mobilize Mail Limited has some great tips about article marketing.


Posting rehashed content and a mangled set of old ideas cannot do much for a blog. The challenge lies in getting such content or writing it yourself. Bloggers use both honest and dishonest means to get good content, but in the end, the successful ones are those using honest means of getting original content.


More Blogging Equals More New Sales

Ah the company blog, it seems everyone’s got one (this is ours!), sadly not everyone is doing a great job blogging. When Businesses get it right – their sales are more consistent according to hubspot. There is also a clear correlation between frequency of posts versus acquisition of new customers –


Knowledge For Greater Email & Social Media Success

The quality of your email and social media network is more than likely directly attributed to the information you are sharing. Knowledge is power and content is king for retaining and growing email and social media networks.


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