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Expert Email Marketing Clinton Style

Hillary Clinton made history this week by becoming the first female Presidential candidate for a major party and it’s largely thanks to her competent team including those responsible for email marketing – (check out our list of what we’ve learned from Hillary Clinton’s email marketing – later in this article).

What Is Email Still Good For?

Email as a marketing channel has got a lot of competition in 2015. Numerous social media networks, instant messaging, chat and discussion forums are all vying for the marketing dollar. So how are businesses measuring the success of email marketing in 2015 and why do Marketers still love it?

Business Email Marketing Tips – eBook

We have collated articles we have written recently on email marketing into a downloadable eBook for you.

The core areas of Business email marketing that can improve are: eDM and blog content, and eDM design so that’s what this eBook is all about.

Email Design Top Tips For Designers & Developers

Email Design has improved over time however it’s not coding a website Web developers can fall into the trap of designing and coding email templates like they are HTML web pages. This blog article provides basic instruction on email design do’s and don’ts.

Trust is Built with Consistency

The heading “Trust is Built with Consistency” is a popular quote by Lincoln Chafee. It nicely sums up what your business achieves from consistent communication with your email marketing list.

Steve Jobs Selling Rules Work For Email Marketing

It’s been 18 months since the death of Steve Jobs however his wisdom and greatness lives on. An article published in Newsweek a few days after Steve’s death provided Steve’s 10 Rules for selling. Some of these lessons also apply to email marketing – check them out….. 1. Never Stop Studying/Learning Know what works today…

More NZers Use Mobiles To View Emails

Since June 2013  our subscriber device statistics graphs have been busily plotting the use of mobile devices to open our clients eDM messages. We can confirm over that time  the use of mobile devices (tablets and smart phones) to open emails in New Zealand is increasing and is up to 40 percent now. Business email…

Twitter outperforms IPO expectations

It’s official Twitter finished it’s first day of trading at USD$44.90 per share. The first trade came in at $45.10 and reached USD$50.09 during the day closing at $44.90.  It was a mighty day for the owners who raised $1.8 Billion via the sale of 70 million shares and then saw the shares soar through…