Mobilize Mail > Trust is Built with Consistency

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Trust is Built with Consistency


The heading “Trust is Built with Consistency” is a popular quote by Lincoln Chafee. It nicely sums up what your business achieves from consistent communication with your email marketing list.

Achieving consistency is no easy task – it requires good planning and execution. Whilst in an effort to remain consistent your business may occasionally deliver a last minute eDM (email marketing message). Furthermore it may also seem ‘rushed’ to your email recipients who will critique it’s content and styling.  User response is a good litmus test.  If the response is poor it could directly correlate to the eDM’s presentation and content.

Whereas regular well architected, high value eDMs on the other hand will reward your business with higher response, prospective customers and sales. How do you achieve consistency?

Email marketing consistency starts with a plan…….

An email marketing plan will include the volume of eDMs your business plans to deliver each month and the type of communication e.g. newsletter, sales promotion.

To achieve email marketing consistency your business would plan to deliver at a minimum one eDM per month and that would be a high value newsletter.

Here is a reminder on what is required for a high value eDM.

  1. Relevant content
  2. Links to online sources e.g. webpages on your website, landing pages, and third party sites
  3. Responsive design eDM template – so your eDM is viewed well on mobile devices


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