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The Psychology of Timings and Email Marketing

A lot has been written about Email Message Design and how to create interest in your Email Marketing Campaigns, bringing these two factors together and looking at the Psychology of your Email Marketing and the time of the day that you send your emails is the next step to maximizing the impact that your campaign has.

Email Marketing – Is that It?

These days it’s hard to find a business (online or otherwise) who isn’t utilising email marketing to promote their wares on a regular basis. Too regularly many of us would suggest given how quickly our junk and delete folders fill up.

Achieve Higher Returns With Email Marketing

Internet customers are often seen as an impersonal username or email address giving very few clues about the human-being behind the screen. However the data available to email marketers provides ample insight into consumer behaviour.

It’s Holiday Time

During the ‘silly season’ you and your business may be “Out of Sight” for some of the time but you need not be “Out of Mind” and we’re referring to the minds of your customers, advocates etc. Set and Forget – Emailing Maintaining the regularity of your email communication over the holiday period need not…

Improving the Email Subject Line

The main way to get people to open your email are recognition, reputation and subject line. One thing to keep in mind is how do you get your emails opened as it is easy to hit the “Delete” key. Below are common characteristics all great subject lines share: It needs to have something that is…

How to Improve your email Newsletter

Here are our top tips for newsletter success: Keep It Relevant: Ensure your newsletters contain ‘news’ or content that is highly relevant to your subscribers. We recommend mailing list segmentation to achieve targeted marketing. Your newsletter communication can contain your special deals, new products services – as long as the information is relevant to your…