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Mobilize Mail – MMAPP3 More Features For Your Email Marketing

Like a child with a new toy I am excited about our new email marketing and delivery system. If you love measurement and viewing lots of statistics our new MMAPP3 (as our techies call it) is pushing all the right buttons. MMAPP3 is designed to empower our clients to make even smarter choices to secure…

All About Spam

It is five years since the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 came into effect, so it is a good time to go over what it is all about. Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile or smart phone text (TXT) and image-based messages you receive without having requested them.

What you Need to Know About Anti Spam

What is Spam? Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile phone text and image-based messages you may receive without requesting them. You will find that almost always these messages are of a commercial nature and invite you, the recipient, to buy a product or service.

Pinterest And Your Business

There is a real buzz around about Pinterest and it is no surprise that it is the fastest growing social media site, but Pinterest is not for everyone. The percentage of Pinterest visitors who click on links that go to other sites, is higher on Pinterest than it is on other social media sites, The largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology – reports Pinterest is ranked the number 3 social media site.

The Psychology of Timings and Email Marketing

A lot has been written about Email Message Design and how to create interest in your Email Marketing Campaigns, bringing these two factors together and looking at the Psychology of your Email Marketing and the time of the day that you send your emails is the next step to maximizing the impact that your campaign has.

Achieve Higher Returns With Email Marketing

Internet customers are often seen as an impersonal username or email address giving very few clues about the human-being behind the screen. However the data available to email marketers provides ample insight into consumer behaviour.

Step 4 Continued: Create Professional Content for Your Business Emails

Continuing on from “Create Professional Content for Your Business Emails” in this part we will cover the science of email subject lines, sender address and personalisation. Subject Line & Senders Detail There is no simple template to follow to ensure higher response to your emails however we can offer you some wisdom below when looking…

Email Marketing Part 3: The Content

Now its time to work out what type of content you will be sending them that will not only stop them from unsubscribing but create a perception that encourages the subscriber to react the way you want them to.