Mobilize Mail > Mobilize Mail – MMAPP3 More Features For Your Email Marketing

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Mobilize Mail – MMAPP3 More Features For Your Email Marketing

Like a child with a new toy I am excited about our new email marketing and delivery system.

If you love measurement and viewing lots of statistics our new MMAPP3 (as our techies call it) is pushing all the right buttons.

MMAPP3 is designed to empower our clients to make even smarter choices to secure more business via their email marketing campaigns.


In development for many months Mobilize Mail’s MMAPP3 is now in production and it is answering our clients prayers by delivering more on many different levels.

While we go through the steady migration from our legacy system to MMAPP3 our developers continue to add more features.   I’ll provide a quick overview of some of the new features that I am using now and I will provide a regular blog post update on new features as they are developed.

The new UI (User Interface) has more buttons and it is a lot more intuitive.

A Spam Checker function – check your message for words that may affect the safe delivery of your email to your recipients

Split Campaigns – do you sometimes find it hard to choose between a couple of subject headings?  With our split campaign feature you can test and compare two messages with different content or different subject heading with a small section of your mailing list before selecting to send the winning campaign to the remainder of your list.

Statistics – User friendly presentation of email campaign statistics is a must for any email marketing system.  With MMAPP3 the usual ESP statistics are provided and mapped to graphs as well as transfer to lists in your account and exporting.  Comparing statistics over the duration of the campaign, and comparing the campaign with earlier email marketing campaigns is a feature of MMAPP3.

We have enhanced our message statistics search feature for faster access to earlier campaigns and results are easily translated into print format.

Over the next few weeks I will let you know the new features I am putting to good use and how they can assist you with your  business email marketing campaigns.




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