How To Create A Winning eDM Campaign
A winning email marketing campaign requires careful planning.
Our Jan 14 blog post Email Marketing Plan For 2014 provides the steps to get your business email marketing underway in 2014. Now we are focusing on the planning of an actual eDM campaign.
Planning and preparation is required for most things in life yet often it is the task we commit the least amount of time to and often we omit it all together.
To ensure your business has a winning eDM campaign there are a few tasks that need to be done. Some of the tasks relate directly to the eDM and other tasks are on the peripheral for example landing pages.
Winning eDM Campaigns Need Landing Pages
Winning eDM campaigns need to link to webpages. The links in your eDM are tracked so your business can measure the success of the eDM by reviewing how many email recipients took action by clicking a link. Setting up suitable landing pages is usually the initial step in your eDM campaign plan.
The linking webpages need the information you want your email recipients to see and take action off. Here is an earlier blog post on landing pages. It is worth reading….Why are landing pages key to email marketing success?
Finally on landing pages – we recommend google analytics tracking so you can measure the visitors to the page. Mobilize Mail provides a feature for you to add in your UTM tags so when you view your landing page analytics you can view the exact reference you attributed to your eDM. See this blog post on using UTM tags for measurement.
How Many eDMs Are There In A Campaign?
There is no limit to the number of eDMs in a campaign. A task in your plan is to work out how many eDMs are required.
With the work that goes into an eDM you may want to reuse it and an effective way to do it is via a ‘follow up’. Mobilize Mail has this feature for you. A follow up is a resend of an eDM that is pre-scheduled at the time you are delivering your initial eDM to your email list. It can have a revised subject heading and it can be set to only send the eDM to the recipients who did not take the action you desired the first time around or you may wish to set up the follow up to contact only the recipients who ‘did take action’.
eDM Campaign Resources – Who & What
What resources are required and who will be providing them? Looking at the various components of an eDM will identify the resources required and then who can deliver them. eDM resources will include: the eDM copy, design, images, and HTML presentation. The HTML will need to be tested so you know it presents well in the various devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) and email clients (desktop, web based, mobile). Then there is the actual eDM delivery to your email list, and finally the review of the eDM statistics (i.e. how did the eDM perform?).
While it looks like quite a list – a lot of it is provided by your ESP like Mobilize Mail and our eDM Campaign Management Service takes care of the what’s left.
In summary careful planning makes light work of creating winning eDM campaigns. In the next blog post we will detail what content works in eDMs.