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How To Get Inbound Marketing Working For Your Business

New Zealand businesses have adopted inbound marketing but how do they know if it is really working for them?  What can they do to get better results?  If we target the three inbound marketing types simultaneously – optimum results are mostly likely the outcome. Inbound Marketing Types Explained – Paid, Owned and Earned Paid  =…

Perception Rules – Look After All Your Marketing Channels

Its easy to get caught up in one marketing channel and forget your business has many channels and they all need attention.  Perception rules therefore ignoring your social media profiles or your email list may be a detriment to your business.  More than likely an employee will favour one channel over another e.g. he or…

Facebook Tips – Advanced

This is part three in Mobilize Mails series on Facebook Tips and in this installment we will cover some more advanced Facebook management features, like knowing when to post, pinning photos and how to optimize your page for SEO – all key ingredients for your Social Media Marketing success.

The Importance of Blogs as a Business Marketing Tool

Blogs are a great way to reach out and as a business marketing tool they offer you the ability to highlight aspects of your business and can add interest to goods and services that link into other business assets like websites and social media sites. From a Social Media Marketing NZ perspective, when “blogging” it is crucial to have your blog linking to your websites and social media sites, getting readers to click through to your main assets has to be the primary goal of a blog. Making the blog interesting and informative will maximize the chances of the reader engaging with your brand and business.