How To Get Inbound Marketing Working For Your Business
New Zealand businesses have adopted inbound marketing but how do they know if it is really working for them? What can they do to get better results? If we target the three inbound marketing types simultaneously – optimum results are mostly likely the outcome.
Inbound Marketing Types Explained – Paid, Owned and Earned
Paid = Online Banners, Search Advertising, Email Solis List campaigns
Owned = Your own broadcasting system including your website, blogs, social media profiles and your email marketing lists
Earned = 3rd party endorsement – consumers talking about your business on websites, blogs, in social media
We can and often do kick off our Inbound Marketing with ‘Paid’ activities and over time we expect our ‘owned’ and the ‘earned’ campaigns to gather momentum and eventually overtake the results achieved from paid campaigns. To achieve this shift requires lots of highly targeted content.
The number focus must be on building up your ‘owned’ inbound marketing assets and then maintaining them on a regular basis. This can be achieved via a mix of paid content and your own. You may have read our earlier blog post No To a Business Blog – We Are Not Writers. Content can be fresh and dynamic on your owned assets like your blog when your business engages a copywriter for regular contributions. Mobilize Mail copywriters write articles as part of our social media marketing service.
Blog content that is broadcasted to your ‘owned’ assets gets views and consumers then get to work to grow the ‘earned’ inbound marketing for your business.
More highly relevant content grows your follower base and they in turn talk about your business providing 3rd party endorsement. The use of social sharing buttons on your ‘owned’ assets (email campaigns, blog, website etc) propagates the spread of your content. Mobilize Mail’s Publish Once – Broadcast Many service is very popular solution along with our ‘owned’ assets where our clients can have their content also broadcasted to our online assets. More broadcasting increases the ‘earned’ marketing your business desires.
Aim to combine all inbound marketing types (paid, owned and earned) for improved measurable results for your business.
Business Blog and eBook service to grow your email list and sales