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Email Marketing Benchmark For 2016

In the coming weeks take time to reflect on your business email marketing in 2015.

Plan now to get more from your email marketing in 2016. Contact us to assist with you with your subscriber personalisation and email lists segmentation, we want your business to achieve higher conversion rates in the coming year.

Email Marketing – Eighty Percent Success Is Just Doing It

Are you struggling to get your email marketing going in 2015? If you are, you’re probably not alone however relax, just by doing it at all you’re eighty percent on your way to success.

To kick start your email marketing communication today follow these tips starting with eDM content.

Email Marketing Plan For 2015

January is the month for implementing your email marketing plan for the year ahead. The core focus of an email marketing plan is to improve the eDM conversion rate i.e. get more clicks off your email marketing messages.

Email Marketing Plan For 2014

Email marketing plans are worthwhile as they can provide focus, measurement and motivation to achieve more in the year ahead. Before you jump into your Email Marketing Plan for 2014 we suggest you review your success over the past 12 months. Review Last 12 Months eDM Activity & Statistics Comparable statistics of similar eDM campaigns….