Mobilize Mail > Email Marketing Plan For 2015

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Email Marketing Plan For 2015


January is the month for implementing your email marketing plan for the year ahead.  The core focus of an email marketing plan is to improve the eDM conversion rate i.e. get more clicks off your email marketing messages.

Goal 1: Improve eDM Conversion Rate

To achieve a higher conversion rate first a review of earlier email marketing activity needs to occur.  Analyse email campaigns statistics for the last six to nine months (or a shorter period if your eDM activity is high).   Look for the statistics that show the conversion rate (opens and clicks).  Which eDMs produced a higher conversion rate?

Consider the content of the successful eDMs and in this year’s email marketing plan ensure there are adequate volumes of eDMs that use similar content to replicate similar conversion rates.

Goal 2: eDM Precision – Emails Targeted To Recipients

The volume of emails your recipients receive will increase in 2015 therefore your business marketing emails need to be more targeted.  In your email marketing plan budget time and investment to improve the data capture pages so you learn more about your email marketing list.

With the new subscriber data your business can generate eDM content that matches their preferences and thus deliver eDMs (marketing emails) desired by recipients who take action e.g. click links.

Goal 3:  Achieve “First In Mind” Status

Email marketing aims to achieve a ‘first in mind’ status with recipients.  While conversion rate is important so too is the quality of the design of the eDMs.  Professional eDMs are remembered and your business remains first in mind with it’s intended audience.


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