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Breaking the Spam and Privacy Law?

Mention ‘law’ and it puts most of on the back foot and in defence mode. We immediately ask: What have I done wrong?

Well as marketers there are so many laws now that being defensive is understandable. It’s not like we want to break the law, we are after all law abiding citizens.

Is a LinkedIn Connection Consent for Email Marketing?

Mobilize Mail, is a local ESP (email service provider) and it is important we know the DIA’s interpretation of Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007. We recently requested their insight on ‘consent’ via social network membership.

All About Spam

It is five years since the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 came into effect, so it is a good time to go over what it is all about. Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile or smart phone text (TXT) and image-based messages you receive without having requested them.

What you Need to Know About Anti Spam

What is Spam? Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile phone text and image-based messages you may receive without requesting them. You will find that almost always these messages are of a commercial nature and invite you, the recipient, to buy a product or service.

How To Get The Best Results With Email Marketing

Email marketing is being taken seriously by all online businesses simply because it continues to show excellent results as a marketing strategy in a highly competitive world. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that opens a direct communication channel with prospective customers to invoke their interest in the products and services on offer.

Latest NZ Spam Alerts Now Available on Twitter

Our very own New Zealand Anti Spam Compliance Unit of the DIA (Department of Internal Affairs) are now on Twitter according to their latest press release. Their twitter profile is called AntiSpamInfoNZ and it has been created to share information as part of the DIA’s pubic education programme. The latest scams will be broadcasted on the twitter profile along with other useful information for compliance and spam avoidance.

Easy-to-Use Anti Spam Flow Chart

See link below – this is a fantastic flow chart for understanding the Anti SPAM Act. Click here Thank you to Rick Shera who is a Partner of Lowndes Jordan for allowing me to link to his awesome creation!

Printed Media and the Anti-SPAM Act

I almost fell off my chair with laughter after reading this press release on scoop today. Below is an extract of the press release. “New Zealand’s largest printing services company, PMP NZ Limited, predicts the introduction of the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act will boost an already buoyant unaddressed media market, and provide great opportunities for…

DIA received 155 complaints from the public

“The Government’s anti-spam team received 155 complaints from the public about spam e-mails during the first week that the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act was in force.” That’s quite a good effort when you think that most consumers would not even be aware of the NZ Anti-SPAM Act. The real effort for the DIA is determining…