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Part 2 Marketing – Where Can I Find Your NZ Business Online?

Today your New Zealandl business needs an active digital presence in the popular social media channels. For New Zealand businesses Facebook, Twitter, and if your business is B2B then you’ll need to be on LinkedIn and of course Google Plus.  That’s four business profiles. Your business also needs be found by Google Search engines and…

The Importance of Link Building in Articles

Writing articles and blogs used to be a more organic and natural process where you could just write without thinking about how your article would be found and who would read it. Now, as authors and bloggers, we are having to concern ourselves with things like search engine optimization (SEO), back linking, link building, natural links and of course how all this then links into Social Media Marketing NZ – which now plays an important part of a businesses online reputation management.

Its Time To Bring Targeted Visitors To Your Website

There are many paid strategies for bringing visitors to your website including online adverts. But what about free online marketing strategies and do they work? We have two free strategies that definitely work and while many are actively involved and using these strategies we are amazed there are not more businesses involved. My favourite saying…

How To Improve Online Marketing

The year 2011 saw online businesses using more effective advertising techniques to reach out to a targeted audience. These techniques were evolved with the aid of research data available about consumer preferences, and the principal idea was to increase brand awareness, make online buying a hassle free experience and also ensure that shopping carts are not abandoned midway due to some site navigation issues.