Its Time To Bring Targeted Visitors To Your Website
There are many paid strategies for bringing visitors to your website including online adverts.
But what about free online marketing strategies and do they work?
We have two free strategies that definitely work and while many are actively involved and using these strategies we are amazed there are not more businesses involved.
My favourite saying is from Woody Allen “eighty percent of success is showing up” and our free marketing strategies really just require you to get involved “show up” and then let the strategies do the rest.
No. 1 Free Business Marketing Strategy – Give Us Your Business Tip
Now that doesn’t seem too hard does it. You provide your business tip, your business name and website address and we publish it along with other similar tips in a blog post on our Business Blogs.
This may not seem that exciting however Mobilize Mail does have a social and email network of 30,000 – now its getting exciting and your business tip is shared with this network – for free. So like Woody Allen says “eighty percent success is just showing up”.
Select a topic for your business tip – you could submit a tip for all three of the current topics
Tips To Market A Business To Expand Its Reach – click here
Tips For Managing Cashflow – click here
Tips To Increase Business Revenue or Profitability click here
This marketing strategy is called “Project Campfire” and you can visit the website here. Or if you are still hesitating on this marketing strategy – have a look at these two articles – both are Project Campfire article posts. Twenty Seven Vital Tips For Staying Positive.
No. 2 Free Business Marketing Strategy Two – We Publish Your Articles
This marketing strategy has been around a while and there are many of you ‘in the know’ and you are regular contributors.
How it works is – we publish your articles on to Business Blogs or another blog site in our CSN and yes you guessed it – we then share your articles with our 30,000 network.
This benefits your business as your ‘contributor’ profile accompanies all your article posts and of course the back-links to your website are also welcomed by all who know anything about optimisation for visitor traffic. And to contribute you don’t have to be a professional writer – just have something to say that would interest business people.
Sign Up To Become A Contributor – click here
Two very easy and effective free marketing solutions for you from us. Try these strategies for your business.