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How To Get Your Unsubscribed Email Recipients Back

It’s time to get your valued unsubscribed email recipients back on your business email marketing list – and we know how you can do it. Our system also secures new subscribers and helps you re-engage with inactive email recipients.

Perception Rules – Look After All Your Marketing Channels

Its easy to get caught up in one marketing channel and forget your business has many channels and they all need attention.  Perception rules therefore ignoring your social media profiles or your email list may be a detriment to your business.  More than likely an employee will favour one channel over another e.g. he or…

Reduce the Cost of Converting Prospects into Customers

The cost of customer acquisition is high when you use traditional marketing channels. For every ten prospects you may turn one into a customer. Using social networks the ratio is a lot higher and maybe as high as one in fifty e.g. for every 50 prospects you may convert one into a customer. The good news is you can use systems to reduce the actual marketing cost when using social networks to market your business and get return on your investment.