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Marketing Laws of Category and Mind

  In an earlier blog post we confirmed Al Ries & Jack Trout’s 1994 Immutable Laws of Marketing are as relevant to day as they were 25 years ago. Therefore it’s worth revisiting each of them and how we can use them today. With the laws of resources and perception covered in the earlier post,…

Most Viewed Christmas Video 2018

  Every December we hunt down the most viewed Christmas video, but before we get to it, let’s recap. on which Christmas videos topped the popularity charts the previous couple of years (2017, 2016) and why businesses put so much time and investment into these videos which last just a few minutes. Starting with the…

Where to spend your advertising budget in 2018

Advertising is one discipline, businesses regardless of their size are always looking for improved ROI. Therefore hunting down and trying new strategies for a higher rate of conversion is the overriding focus of many marketers and business owners; and in this blog article we summarise (from this article “Advertising That Works in 2018”, where you can spend your advertising dollars in 2018.

For ROI and SEO content marketing leads the charge, ahead of other strategies like online banners.

Content Marketing You’re Doing It Even If You Don’t Know It

There’s no way to avoid content marketing, it’s huge business and projected to grow to an annual spend of more $3 billion (USD) by 2019. It’s fair to say for the majority of marketers, they’re using content marketing in some form whether they’re cognisant of it or not. Businesses whom have embraced it for some time will now be using ’Interactive Content Marketing’ to improve their campaigns.

Email Marketing & Social Media Work Together

Email and Social Media produce better results for your business when they are working together.

Be the matchmaker in your business and nudge your email and social media marketing teams towards the same goal of working together on mutually beneficial initiatives so your business can achieve a higher ROI.

More Business Via Auto Responder Emails

JJust this week we were reminded of how useful set and forget auto responder campaigns are for securing new business. 

Auto Responder (AR) emails are not just the plain text email that is sent to a recipient straight after they’ve completed an action online, like a purchase, download or registration.    Auto Responder campaigns can be your regular eDM – in full HTML with colour and images.

What Is Email Still Good For?

Email as a marketing channel has got a lot of competition in 2015. Numerous social media networks, instant messaging, chat and discussion forums are all vying for the marketing dollar. So how are businesses measuring the success of email marketing in 2015 and why do Marketers still love it?