Is Your Blog Generating Sales For Your Business?
Content Marketing is alive and well and its ultimate goal should be to generate sales for your business!
While there are other goals too e.g. brand awareness, increase website traffic; your blog writers need to understand the overriding purpose of the blog and how it can drive more business into your company.
The advancement in website analytics tools and what can be measured has enabled content marketing to step up as a sales tool.
Blog posts are often the gateway to your website. Therefore the starting point for your company may be to review who is writing your company’s blog posts. Do they understand the overriding goal and are they fully up to speed on what your company offers? If not it may be time to consider including your blog writers in sales meetings and website analytics reviews.
Essentially blog writers now need to be fully up to speed on your company’s sales process so they create the right content for visitors and sales prospects can therefore be primed more readily for a sale. Likewise your sales people need to know what is being published on your company blog. Here is an earlier blog post on Inbound Marketing and how it can work for your business. That blog post explains the three types of inbound marketing and why a Business Blog is now not an optional extra – it’s a necessity.
If your business has not got a business blog it’s time to get it underway. Setting up and managing Business Blogs is a core service of ours. We have software that assists with the sharing of blog posts so they are found and read. Our own blogs (BusinessBlogs & PropertyBlogs) also work hard to channel new visitors to your website. Essentially we have a service and a system that works and it’s measurable!
Your Business Blog Writing Plan
The overused saying “we don’t plan to fail we fail to plan” is alive and well for business blogs. While in the early days of blogging it was seen as an online journal or diary – those days are well and truly gone. Planning what ends up on your Business Blog is critical – as it is the gateway to your website therefore all blog posts need to be communicating the right messages.
Plan the frequency of Blog Posts so your blog has dynamic material on it. We recommend a weekly blog post. This may seem too much if your blog writer is you – however if you consider engaging a third party to assist with your blog writing then the load is lightened. Mobilize Mail’s copy writers are engaged to write client blog posts on a monthly basis and these posts focus on specific business goals.
Plan the content of Blog Posts so it is varied i.e. not always with the same goal in mind. Consider all the goals you have for your business blog. These goals should include sharing your knowledge of the industry you’re in and therefore become a trusted advisor online.
With your business blog plan in place – the writing can commence and each post can be measured for success in achieving it’s goal. Success does not happen overnight – over time you will see a clear correlation between your blog readership and your business sales when you have committed to the business blog plan.
Mobilize Mail – Business Blog Service >>click here<<
Business Blog and eBook service to grow your email list and sales