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2016 eBook – Business Email Marketing

Business email marketing in 2016 is alive and well and it remains the preferred communication channel for businesses worldwide. Use of email is actually growing in popularity contrary to what some would have you believe.

Email applications were quite basic not that long ago but that’s in the past. The growth in email use has seen tech firms invest more in their email applications adding more user friendly features.

Business Email Marketing Tips – eBook

We have collated articles we have written recently on email marketing into a downloadable eBook for you.

The core areas of Business email marketing that can improve are: eDM and blog content, and eDM design so that’s what this eBook is all about.

How To Get Your Unsubscribed Email Recipients Back

It’s time to get your valued unsubscribed email recipients back on your business email marketing list – and we know how you can do it. Our system also secures new subscribers and helps you re-engage with inactive email recipients.