The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 covers electronic messages, mobile txts and faxes. It has been managed by the DIA for nearly seven years now. Are you receiving txt spam? The answer is more than likely ‘yes’.

The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 covers electronic messages, mobile txts and faxes. It has been managed by the DIA for nearly seven years now. Are you receiving txt spam? The answer is more than likely ‘yes’.
It is five years since the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 came into effect, so it is a good time to go over what it is all about. Spam is the generic term for the electronic commercial email, fax, and mobile or smart phone text (TXT) and image-based messages you receive without having requested them.
“The Government’s anti-spam team received 155 complaints from the public about spam e-mails during the first week that the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act was in force.” That’s quite a good effort when you think that most consumers would not even be aware of the NZ Anti-SPAM Act. The real effort for the DIA is determining…
I had an irate sales manager ring me up today wanting to confirm with me something she had heard on the sales grapevine. They had just won a great opportunity with a large organisation in New Zealand. A department within the organisation had signed up for a deal to be supplied with Product X from…