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Google Page Rank Gone – What Now

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Many website owners around the world were shocked this week when they noticed the page rank icon on their website showed ‘0/10’.  Websites with page ranks of 4 or more often displayed their page rank to visitors however Google has now removed it from their tool bar feeds.

There have been hundreds of reports of people asking where their page rank has gone.  Well it’s not coming back for external use.  Google will continue to use it internally.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) businesses used the page rank score to determine how they were performing for their clients.  However it wasn’t a guarantee of better search performance, as websites with lower page rank scores often come up higher in search results than websites with higher page ranks.  The SEO algorithm is multifaceted and worth considering for all content added to your landing pages and website.

When researching for answers on what’s next for website owners, we came across Search Engine Land Periodic Table of SEO of Success Factors.  It’s worthwhile viewing too,  as it identifies on-page and off-page success triggers.

There are on-page triggers for Content, Architecture and HTML.  For Content they include: quality of the content, how researched the content is, the use of words, use of images.  For Architecture of the web page or website some of the triggers are: how easy it is to for search engines to crawl, does it work for mobile, does it offer HTTPS for secure access and for HTML some of the triggers include: meta description tags, data structure.

Off-page triggers include the trustworthiness of the links, how engaged the visitors are on the page i.e. are they reading the content or bouncing off, is the site using too many adverts above the fold, as well as social sharing of your content and repeat visits.

Lots to consider for ensuring your landing pages and website remain relevant and reputable.

Source used for this article’s content.

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