Content Marketing Are You In The 50 Percent?
Smarter businesses have fully embraced content marketing as their primary inbound marketing strategy and it’s delivering results. Content is King and it will remain forever so therefore it’s vitally important to know how to use it effectively to fill your business pipeline.
Content For SEO
Organic, custom content will always be needed. Content is perfect for improving your SEO as 33 percent of traffic from Google’s organic search results ends up on the first content item listed. Therefore it’s vitally important to have a ‘content’ strategy for SEO.
Your blog articles/posts are content that ends up in google search results so optimise it so your target audience finds it.
Content For Your Newsletter
The very same content can form the basis of your monthly email newsletter. We know how important it is to keep a regular schedule for your newsletters. so to avoid falling victim to “out of sight, out of mind” unsubscribing by email list subscribers.
Your business will experience a higher than usual ‘unsubscribe’ rate when the email marketing is inconsistent. It’s tough work securing targeted subscribers onto an email marketing list and we know from experience; a regular emailing schedule keeps the unsubscribe rate down, and engagement up.
Content For Your Social Media Profiles
When you view the content online or in your newsletter use the social sharing buttons to share it to your Facebook, Twitter, etc. LinkedIn profiles. The content can keep your social media followers informed and engaged.
Sharing buttons in your eDMs (email marketing) improve the conversion rate (click rate) too.
eMarketer says fifty percent of businesses now have a content marketing strategy and use it effectively to attract audience’s attention.
It just makes sense to focus your inbound marketing on custom dynamic content….when it comes to inbound marketing content really is not only king it the whole kit and kiboodle!