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Relevant Content Builds Business Success

Businesses want their website and webpages ranked on the first page of google’s organic search results and there is no magic answer to achieve it.

Online Search is still considered the top referring channel of visitors to websites and Google is the most popular search engine.  While this lasts the battle to outsmart Google’s ranking algorithms so their websites and those of their customers get first page results continues.

The good news is Google is still ahead in the battle and for everyday Businesses ‘doing the right thing’ i.e. posting relevant unique content online is being well rewarded by Google.  Gone are the days where ‘black hat’ strategies commonly touted by shady SEO and Internet Marketing service operators work.

Writing shoddy articles and filling them with key words and links and then spinning them many times for placement on other sites is fruitless!  Yes believe it or not – there are Internet marketing businesses still promoting this strategy.

Doing the right thing – over and over, time and time again is what wins the first page placement race with Google.  This modus operandi does takes time and commitment but it does work!  There are no shortcuts that last but that should inspire you to start out on the right path and share your knowledge.  The business you secure from it will more than likely be equally long-lasting!



Not a writer?  Consider our Business Blog service for your business.

Business Blog and eBook service to grow your email list and sales


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