New Mobilize Mail Service – Get More From Your Transaction Emails
Emails sent from your website or business system are called transaction emails.
This blog post lets you know how your business can use our transaction emails service for your website or business systems emails.
By way of acknowledgement of action taken by a visitor on your website you may send them a receipt email. An example of visitor action is – registering to an event you’re hosting or downloading a free report you’re giving away.
These transaction emails are not likely to tracked for open rate and click rate and they are usually plain text and without any ‘call to action’ requests.
However as a supplier of email marketing solutions we realise that every type of email communication a business has with a visitor, client or prospect is an opportunity to deepen the relationship.
With our transaction emails service your business can track the open and click rate of website emails and the presentation of the transactional email message can be a professionally presented in HTML with all the bells and whistles normally only afforded to eDMs (email marketing messages).
Why would my business want or need this service you may be thinking. You’re used to email marketing campaigns and eagerly awaiting the statistics that present the response to your newsletter or eDM promoting an event or product. Well with all your website emails getting the same treatment as an eDM – you can get equally excited about the response taken by your website visitors off your transaction emails.
As we know every opportunity to communicate with a client, prospect or advocate of your New Zealand business must be taken seriously. Not only is the content of communication very important, how it is presented and what action can occur from it is too. And all going to plan it may lead to more business therefore getting more from your website transaction emails has got to be good for you.
There are some techie reasons too for using a professional ESP (like Mobilize Mail) to deliver your transactional emails and you learn more here