How To Market Your New Zealand Business With Surgical Precision – Part 1 of a 3 Part Series
How Do Our Customers Interact With Us?
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood”.
This is habit 5 in the book: “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven R Covery and it is a perfect starting point for marketers today.
Are you confident you know where your customers hang out online and which channel they’d prefer to use to interact with your business?
Nowadays a business must have active assets in the popular digital channels to effectively analyse customer engagement and lots of New Zealand businesses have yet to really embrace even the most popular digital channels available.
These New Zealand businesses are not necessarily in denial rather they have continued to apply their marketing spend on the old traditional channels that have worked for them in the past but are probably not performing so well for them anymore.
Many of these business may also argue that they do have a New Zealand website but they don’t get many enquiries from it and they may also have a Facebook page or twitter profile but they’re not managed anymore. – i.e. inactive.
For these businesses understanding how their customers are interacting with them online is going to be a very quick exercise.
Only the results will disappoint and they won’t be a true indication of how their customers ‘would’ or ‘could’ interact with them if only they had a complete digital presence.
Therefore these New Zealand business need to be set up to be found more readily online and in particular in social media so they can analysis their customer interaction in the various channels and then surgically target market their products and services.
In part 2 we look at where New Zealand businesses really need to be online and how to communicate and interact with their customers. In the final part of this three part series we will target marketing strategies that work online for business.
Following on from this article, and coincidentally also with “7”points, is an interesting read from Business Blogs Hub – click here to read
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